Back end: All the activities necessary to receive, process and receipt a gift once it has been received.
Back-end premium: A free gift offered to donors in exchange for a donation, often a donation above a stated amount.
Back Test: A test mailing designed to reproduce, and therefore confirm, the results of a recent direct mail test. Also called a retest or confirming test. Usually run when the results of a test fall within an acceptable range but do not give the mailer enough confidence toroll-outto the entire list.
Bangtail: Promotional return envelope featuring a perforated slip of paper beneath the flap. Readers tear off, complete and include this slip in the return envelope.
Bind-in: A promotional reply device or order form that is stitched into the gutter of a print publication, such as a donor newsletter or annual report.
Bingo card: A reply card inserted in a magazine and used by readers to request free samples and literature from organizations who advertised in the issue. Many advertisers are listed on the reply card. Readers circle the advertisers they are interested in (much as bingo players circle winning numbers on their bingo card).
Bleed: In printing, the extension of colour to the edge of the page, accomplished by printing on oversized paper and trimming the excess.
Blow in: A promotional card inserted into a magazine during assembly (which falls onto the floor as you read the magazine).
Bounce: An email message returned to the sender with a notice indicating why the transmission failed (messages commonly bounce because the email address of the addressee is incorrect or is no longer active).
Bounce back: In direct mail fundraising, an extra item included in a direct mail appeal package that the recipient completes and returns to the charity with a donation. For example, a paper Christmas-tree ornament that donors sign and mail back. The ornaments are collected and hung on a Christmas tree in the lobby of the non-profit organization.
Bounce rate: In email fundraising, the percentage of visitors to a website who leave (bounce away) without getting any deeper into the site. Each page has its own bounce rate.
Breakeven: Donations received equal cost of the mailing.
Broadside: A single sheet of paper, printed on one side or both, folded for mailing or direct distribution, and opening (much as a broadside daily newspaper does) into a single, large advertisement.
Buckslip: Slip of paper the size of a dollar bill, inserted into a direct mail fundraising package, reiterating the main points of the letter, or describing something else, such as planned giving or monthly giving opportunities.
Business Reply Card (BRC): A card included in a mailing to simplify reader response. One side contains a response form that the donor completes, the other side features the return address and pre-paid postage.
Business Reply Envelope (BRE): A self-addressed envelope whose postage is paid for by the organization that prints it.