Good Fundraising Letter Reply Devices Tell Donors What to Do

By Alan Sharpe, CFRE
My brother-in-law says you should be thankful for truckers because everything you buy was handled at some point by a trucker. LoWayne is a trucker, so he’s biased. But I think he’s right anyway. 

You depend on truckers for your life. And, if you are a direct mail fundraiser, you depend on direct mail response devices for your livelihood. Response cards and order forms are the devices that deliver the donor’s gift to your office. Without them, no direct mail transaction takes place. 

That’s why one of the most important parts of your direct mail fundraising letter is the copy that tells your donor how to donate. Somewhere in your letter and on your coupon you need to give explicit instructions telling the reader what the reader must do to make a financial contribution. Here are a few ideas

1. Tell them to complete the form
This sounds self-evident and redundant, but you must tell potential donors what they need to do. So start with telling them to complete the form. In your letter, say something like this: “Donate today by completing the enclosed form.” 

2. Tell them how to return the form or reply device
If you are using a business reply envelope, tell your donor right on the reply device to return the reply device to you in the enclosed business reply envelope. Make sure donors know that they are required to do something. 

3. Tell them what to include
If you are using a business reply envelope, tell buyers what they need to put in it. Maybe it’s a check. Maybe a survey. Spell out what you need the buyer to do: “Return this reply form in the enclosed postage-paid envelope with your donation, made payable to XYZ Charity.” 

4. Tell them what they get in return
Whenever possible, describe the benefit that donors receive for completing and returning the reply device or order form. For example, “Complete and mail this reply form today with your donation to receive your free Enviro Tote Bag.” 

Sales people don’t make a sale until they ask for the order. And your fundraising letters won’t secure any donations unless you ask for the reply device.  

How to Write Effective Direct Mail Fundraising Reply DevicesHandbook Number 12
How to Write
and Design Effective Direct Mail Fundraising Reply Devices.

Attract the gifts you need by making the donation process quick and painless for your donors (and you).

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